Hearth Cooking Classes

Another Second Penny Inn

870 Pequot Trail, Stonington, CT  06378

At this time, we do not expect to offer any hearth cooking classes this winter.
We're sorry to disappoint and hope to be able to offer the classes at some point in the future.
If you have a gift certificate, please contact us to discuss alternate arrangements.

Roasting chicken, cod cakes and Madeira ham in the pot.
Hearth Cooking
Chicken on a string (poor man's spit) and rolls set to rise.
Chicken on a String
Roast Chicken!
Jim, Kris & Mark


Hearth Cooking

   Another view of the hearth.Hearth Cooking



First Time Recipes Include:

Pan-fried Scallops
Spider Cornbread
Baked Madeira Ham
Roast Chicken
Mrs. Robert E. Lee's Mushrooms au Beurre
Mrs. Bradley's Ragout of Green Beans
Aunt Laurine's Berry Pudding

More Advanced Recipes Include:
Friar's Omelette
Cod Cakes with Mushroom Catsup
Breaded Pork Cutlets
Parsnips in Cream Sauce
French Rolls
Potatoes Baked in the Ashes

We strongly encourage all participants to wear jeans, long sleeved cotton shirts and sturdy shoes.  Under no circumstances will people be allowed to participate while wearing open toe shoes or sandles, slingbacks, mules, slippers, or dress shoes.
Although it is historically accurate to wear long skirts, etc. the heat and possibility of burns require us to make the above request.

Obviously, we cannot guarantee that the food we all prepare will be suitable for consumption; however, if it is we will together enjoy sampling the fruits of our labors.